TDL Reference Implementation (Phase 3) (STF 492)
TC MTS laid the foundation of the Test Description Language (TDL) with STF 454 in 2013 in terms of the basic concepts and their semantics. STF 476 built upon the work of STF 454, by adding the necessary language functionality to integrate TDL test descriptions into test automation frameworks and elaborating a standardised concrete graphical syntax for end-users and a TDL exchange format to be used by tools to foster tool interoperability. STF 476 also delivered an extension to TDL to enable refined structured test objective specification. STF 492 is continuing the efforts on TDL at ETSI by developing an open reference implementation as a common platform to accelerate the adoption of TDL and lower the barrier to entry for both end users and tool vendors.
Project Details
Project Staff: Philip Makedonski, Martti Käärik, Gusztav Adamis, Finn Kristoffersen, Xavier Zeitoun
June, 2015 to April, 2016
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
Telefon AB LM Ericsson
Cinderella ApS
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
Funding Organizations:
European Telecommunictions Standards Institute (ETSI)
Project Website:
Related Publications
Philip Makedonski, Gusztav Adamis, Martti Käärik, Finn Kristoffersen, Michele Carignani, Andreas Ulrich, Jens GrabowskiTest Descriptions with ETSI TDL, Software Quality Journal, Springer, 2018
- Testbeschreibung mit TDL: Konzepte und Notationen der ETSI Test Description Language, OBJEKTspektrum Online Themenspezial: Testing, SIGS DATACOM, 2016
Philip Makedonski, Gusztav Adamis, Martti Käärik, Finn Kristoffersen, Xavier ZeitounEvolving the ETSI Test Description Language, Proceedings of the 9th System Analysis and Modelling Conference, Springer, 2016
Philip Makedonski, Martti Käärik, Xavier Zeitoun, Gusztav Adamis, Finn Kristoffersen, Andreas UlrichTesting and Domain-Specific Modelling with TDL, User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing 2016 (UCAAT 2016), 2016
Philip Makedonski, Gusztav Adamis, Martti Käärik, Finn Kristoffersen, Xavier Zeitoun, Anthony WilesApplying TDL in Practice: A Hands-on Tutorial, User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing 2015 (UCAAT 2015), 2015
Philip Makedonski, Martti KäärikThe ETSI Test Description Language: Brief Introduction, TDL Open Source Meeting, 2018
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