EventBench - Event-driven Software Testing


The current of the current state-of-the-art of the testing event-driven software is that the testing approaches are often platform dependent. Hence, many possible synergy effects go to waste. While there are a few models for the testing of event-driven software in general, e.g., Event Sequence Graphs (ESG) and Event Flow Graphs(EFG), the studies performed with these models are still platform dependent. Furthermore, the developed tooling is also platform dependent and cannot be ported to other platforms. The aims of this project are as follows:
  1. A model for the testing of event-driven software in general.
  2. Comparison and improvement of techniques for the modeling of probabilistic usage profiles
  3. Defintion of usage-based test coverage criteria.
  4. Deriving test-cases based on abstractly defined usage profiles.
The software developed as part of this research project is maintained here.

Project Details

Project Staff: Steffen Herbold, Jens Grabowski, Stephan Waack
June, 2010 to July, 2012

Related Publications

2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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