SIMULTECH 2021 Best Poster Award
Johannes Erbel, Alexander Trautsch and Jens Grabowski were awarded the best Poster Award for the paper and presentation entitled "Simulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach" at the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021). -
JSS 2020 Best Paper Award
Our article Are Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects received one of five best paper awards of the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). JSS received over 1000 submissions every year, which means that our article is considered by the editors as among the best 0.5% of submitted papers! -
SAM 2020 Best Reviewer Award
Philip Makedonski was presented with a Best Reviewer Award in recognition of his significant contribution to the review process of the 12th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2020), which took place in conjunction with the ACM / IEEE 23nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020). -
Distinguished Artifact Award at the ICSME 2020
Alexander Trautsch, Steffen Herbold and Jens Grabowski won a Distinguished Artifact Award for the artifact supplementing their paper "Static source code metrics and static analysis warnings for fine-grained just-in-time defect prediction" at the 36th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).In addition to receiving the available and reusable badges the award acknowledges the quality of the provided artifact. -
IST Outstanding Reviewer Award 2018
Steffen Herbold was recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer in 2018 for the Information and Software Technology journal published by Elsevier. This award recognizes his the quality, timeliness, and quantity of his reviews for the journal. -
Best Industrial Paper Award at the SANER 2017
Our group members Steffen Herbold and Jens Grabowski, together with their co-authors Harald Altinger, Friederike Schneemann (AUDI Electronic Ventures), and Franz Wotawa (TU Graz) won the award for the best industrial paper with our work on Performance Tuning for Automotive Software Fault Prediction at the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2017). The paper evaluated the impact of different sampling approaches on defect prediction models for automative software. -
MINT-Award Informatik 2016
The master thesis A Platform for the Integration of Repository Mining and Software Analytics through Big Data Technologies by Fabian Trautsch was rewarded with the MINT-Award Informatik 2016. The thesis by Fabian Trautsch was the best work of all submissions. The MINT-Award Informatik 2016 is awarded by the MINT-Initiative Deutschland, which is a nationwide initiative that wants to contribute to a positive attitude to MINT professions in the public. In his thesis Fabian Trautsch describes the design and development of a platform, which incorporates the mining and the analysis of software projects and present it with an easy to use web interface to the researcher. Furthermore, the platform is designed as a general-purpose platform and uses different big data technologies and frameworks (e.g. Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop) to make an efficient and fast analysis of the mined data possible. Fabian Trautsch was collectively supervised by Dr. Steffen Herbold and Prof. Rieck (TU Braunschweig). -
Best Presentation Award at the UCAAT 2016
At the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016 in Budapest, our group members Patrick Harms and Jens Grabowski won the Best Presentation Award. Their presentation was about Experiences with Automated Field Usability Testing Using Generated Task Models and included in addition to a brief overview of Patrick's PhD thesis on Automated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees a proposal on how this approach could be integrated into a Software or Platform as a Service. -
Best Poster Award at SIMULTECH 2016
For their joint work Towards Multi-Level-Simulation using Dynamic Cloud Environments, Stefan Wittek (TU Clausthal), Michael Göttsche (our group), Andreas Rausch (TU Clausthal), and Jens Grabowski have been awarded with the Best Poster Award of the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2016). -
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the MSR 2016
Fabian Trautsch, Steffen Herbold, Philip Makedonski, and Jens Grabowski won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for their paper "Addressing Problems with External Validity of Repository Mining Studies Through a Smart Data Platform" at the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Within the paper, four major problems in the state of practice of software repository mining are discussed and the SmartSHARK smart data platform is proposed and evaluated as a potential solution. The smart data platform is an outcome of the Master thesis of Fabian Trautsch which was supervised by Steffen Herbold. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards can be awarded to the top 10% of technical full papers at high profile conferences sponsored by the ACM.
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