AutoQUEST - Automated Quality Engineering of Event-driven Software
AutoQUEST is a software quality assurance tool suite. Within the AutoQUEST project, we provide research prototypes for testing, analyzing, and observing event-driven software. At its core, AutoQUEST provides an API for the programming of testing techniques for event-driven software against abstract events, that are independent of a concrete testing platform. This API can be used to separate the testing techniques from the platforms and, therefore, implement them in a generalized manner. Using a plug-in system, AutoQUEST supports concrete platforms.
The two main venues of quality assurance we currently consider are usage-based testing and usability analysis.
The AutoQUEST project is the successor of the EventBench project.
Project Details
Project Staff: Steffen Herbold, Patrick Harms
August, 2012
Project Website:
Related Publications
Steffen Herbold, Uwe Bünting, Jens Grabowski, Stephan WaackDeployable Capture/Replay Supported by Internal Messages, Advances in Computer, Vol. 85, Elsevier, 2012
Patrick HarmsAutomated Usability Evaluation of Virtual Reality Applications, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2019
Steffen Herbold, Andreas HoffmannModel-based testing as a service, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2017
Steffen Herbold, Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiCombining usage-based and model-based testing for service-oriented architectures in the industrial practice, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Springer, 2016
Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold, Jens GrabowskiExtended Trace-based Task Tree Generation, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Think Mind, 2014
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiUsability of Generic Software in e-Research Infrastructures, Journal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Chicago, 2011
Patrick HarmsVR Interaction Modalities for the Evaluation of Technical Device Prototypes, Proceedings of the 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2019
Hanna HolderiedEvaluation of Interaction Concepts in Virtual Reality, INFORMATIK 2017, 2017
Patrick HarmsRepresentativeness and Descriptiveness of Task Trees Generated from Website Usage Traces, System Analysis and Modeling. Technology-Specific Aspects of Models : 9th International Conference, SAM 2016, Saint-Malo, France, October 3-4, 2016. Proceedings, Springer, 2016
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiConsistency of Task Trees Generated from Website Usage Traces, SDL 2015: Model-Driven Engineering for Smart Cities: 17th International SDL Forum, Berlin, Germany, October 12-14, 2015, Proceedings, 2015
Martin Schneider, Steffen Herbold, Marc-Florian Wendland, Jens GrabowskiImproving Security Testing With Usage-Based Fuzz Testing, 3rd International Workshop on Risk Assessment and Risk-driven Testing, 3rd International Workshop on Risk Assessment and Risk-driven Testing, 2015
Steffen Herbold, Alberto De Francesco, Jens Grabowski, Patrick Harms, Lom Messan Hillah, Fabrice Kordon, Ariele-Paolo Maesano, Libero Maesano, Claudia Di Napoli, Fabio de Rosa, Martin Schneider, Nicola Tonellotto, Marc-Florian Wendland, Pierre-Henri WuilleminThe MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2015
Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold, Jens GrabowskiTrace-based Task Tree Generation, ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, IARIA XPS Press, 2014
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiUsage-based Automatic Detection of Usability Smells, Human-Centered Software Engineering: 5th IFIP WG 13.2 International Conference, HCSE 2014, Paderborn, Germany, September 16-18, 2014. Proceedings, 2014
Steffen Herbold, Patrick HarmsAutoQUEST - Automated Quality Engineering of Event-driven Software, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, Fourth International Workshop on Testing Techniques & Experimentation Benchmarks for Event-Driven Software, 2013
Patrick HarmsAutomated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees, Georg-August-University of Goettingen, 2016
Patrick HarmsEinsatz von AR und VR zu Usabilityevaluation von virtuellen Prototypen, 2019
Patrick HarmsPassen Usability und Informatik überhaupt zusammen?, 2019
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiAutomating Usability Testing for Prototypes of the Things in the Internet using Augmented and Virtual Reality, presented at User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2017, 2017
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiExperiences with Automated Field Usability Testing Using Generated Task Models, presented at User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016, 2016
Steffen Herbold, Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiEnhancing Test Models by Incorporating Monitored Usage Information, presented at 3rd User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT), 2015
Martin Schneider, Steffen HerboldEffizientere IT-Sicherheitstest mit Hilfe von Usage-based Testing, presented at 37th Meeting of the GI-Fachgruppe Test, Analyse & Verification of Software, 37. Treffen der GI-Fachgruppe Test, Analyse & Verifikation von Software (TAV), 2015
Patrick HarmsUsability-Engineering - SUB, 2013
Patrick HarmsAutomatisierte Usability-Evaluation! Geht das? - Softwareforen Leipzig, 2013
Patrick HarmsUsability-Engineering - SLUB, 2013
Patrick HarmsEvaluationsmethoden im Usability Engineering, Themendossier für die User Group »Usability Engineering«, Softwareforen Leipzig, 2012
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