Article published at IST
We are happy to announce that our article Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Semantic Descriptions in Standards and Models is published online in the Journal on Information and Software Technology, with the print version expected to appear in March 2022. The article is an extended version of a paper with the same title that was initially presented at the 12th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2020) co-located with the ACM / IEEE 23nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020). The article describes an extension of the original methodology to make use of statistical and visual analyses of terms used in standardised specifications. The underlying meta-model for the information extracted from the specifications is also extended to accommodate the capturing of additional semantic information. With the help of the extended methodology and meta-model, we explore new means to identify further opportunities for the alignment and consolidation of semantic descriptions within identically named attributes in different information elements and specifications.The article is freely accessible for 50 days on the Journal's website.
Paper accepted at IST
We are happy to announce that our article Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Semantic Descriptions in Standards and Models is accepted for publication in the Journal on Information and Software Technology. The article is an extended version of a paper with the same title that was initially presented at the 12th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2020) co-located with the ACM / IEEE 23nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020). The article describes an extension of the original methodology to make use of statistical and visual analyses of terms used in standardised specifications. The underlying meta-model for the information extracted from the specifications is also extended to accommodate the capturing of additional semantic information. With the help of the extended methodology and meta-model, we explore new means to identify further opportunities for the alignment and consolidation of semantic descriptions within identically named attributes in different information elements and specifications.
Paper accepted at the EAI ADHOCNETS 2021
We are happy to announce that Emmanuel Dapaah's paper (Master thesis) with the Telematics Research group
was accepted for publication at the EAI ADHOCNETS 2021 - 13th EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks. The
paper studied the issue of how to maintain a steady and minimized number of
Cryptographic Packet Loss (CPL) and Network Packet Loss (NPL) even as
the traffic congestion situation in a vehicular environment increases. The proposed design leveraged two ideas (1) using fuzzy logic to
intelligently tune the transmission power (2) using NbCO strategy to
reactively adapt the beacon size.
Nachholtermin der Softwaretechnik Klausur am 05.11
Der Nachholtermin der zweiten Softwaretechnikklausur (Modul "B.Inf.1209.Mp: Softwaretechnik I") ist auf den am 05.11.2021 von 09:00-11:00 festgelegt.
Bitte seien Sie um 08:30 am Prüfungsort, damit der Einlass in den
Hörsaal starten und die Bearbeitung der Klausur pünktlich beginnen kann.
Die Klausur findet im Raum: ZHG011 statt ( Wie üblich müssen Sie sich zu der Klausur über das FlexNow System anmelden. Hierbei gelten die üblichen An- und Abmeldefristen.Betreten Sie den Raum nicht selbstständig. Sie werden zum Eintritt ausdrücklich aufgefordert. Bitte achten Sie immer auf einen Sicherheitsabstand von mindestens 1,5m.
Damit an der Prüfung teilgenommen werden kann, müssen Telefondaten hinterlegt werden. Diese können Sie vorab im Ecampus eintragen.
Einige allgemeine Informationen.
- Mit Erkältungssymptomen dürfen Sie nicht an der Prüfung teilnehmen.
- Sie müssen für eine hinreichende Händehygiene vor und nach der Prüfung Sorge tragen. Sie können dazu die Sanitäranlagen im ZHG verwenden.
- Allgemein steigt die Schutzwirkung einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (MNB), je konsequenter sie von allen getragen wird. Verlangt wird das Tragen in den Bereichen und in den Phasen der Prüfung, in denen unter Umständen der geforderte Sicherheitsabstand nicht eingehalten wird, also z.B. im Gebäude oder Treppenhaus auf dem Weg zur Prüfung oder beim Betreten des Prüfungsraums. Am Arbeitsplatz und während der Prüfung kann der Schutz abgenommen werden, so dass auch das Trinken aus selbst mitgebrachten verschließbaren Flaschen etc. möglich ist.
- Abstand ist der wichtigste Schutzfaktor. Der Sicherheitsabstand kann minimal 1,5m betragen. Wenn größere Abstände realisiert werden können, steigt die Schutzwirkung.
Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf von Prüfungen in Präsenz finden Sie hier:
Softwaretechnik Klausur vom 07.10.2021 entfällt
Die Softwaretechnik-Klausur am 07.10.2021 ist abgesagt.
Wir werden Sie zeitnah über das weitere Vorgehen informieren.
Practical Course on Agile Software Development during the semester break
During the semester break, our research group will offer a practical course on agile software development. In this course, students will learn about selected agile software development methods and practices and apply them in dedicated projects with the help of selected tools. The participants will be learning and applying their knowledge on three levels, including processes and practices, project-specific domain knowledge, implementation- and tool-specific aspects.Depending on the specific software projects, the students will get familiar with various state-of-the-art technologies and tools for software engineering and for the realisation of the specific project. The course will offer an insight into real-world software development, as well as other relevant aspects such as self learning, team work, and problem solving.
SIMULTECH 2021 Best Poster Award
We are happy to announce that our article "Simulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach" received the best poster award of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021).
Paper accepted at SIMULTECH 2021
We are happy to announce that our paper "Simulating live cloud adaptations prior to a production deployment using a models at runtime approach" was accepted at the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies. The paper presents a models at runtime approach which allows DevOps to test and develop configuration management scripts, as well as cloud orchestration capabilities locally in a simulation environment.
SWE Group @ CHAOSScast
A couple of weeks ago, Steffen Herbold and Alexander Trautsch joined the CHAOSScast. The CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project that works on measuring software and community health. We discussed our SmartSHARK project with the hosts, in which we collect and analyze data from software projects to study their evolution. Tune in to find out more about our currently ongoing research.
Registered Report accepted at the MSR 2021
We are happy to announce that our study protocol Exploring the relationship between performance metrics and cost saving potential of defect prediction models was accepted at the registered reports track of the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2021. The protocol specifies how we want to study the relationship between machine learning performance metrics and the cost saving potential of defect prediction models. Our exploratory study received a Continuity Acceptance, which means that our study protocol is already peer reviewed.
2024 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group