Practical Course on Agile Software Development during the semester break
During the semester break, our research group will offer a practical course on agile software development. In this course, students will learn about selected agile software development methods and practices and apply them in dedicated projects with the help of selected tools. The participants will be learning and applying their knowledge on three levels, including processes and practices, project-specific domain knowledge, implementation- and tool-specific aspects.Depending on the specific software projects, the students will get familiar with various state-of-the-art technologies and tools for software engineering and for the realisation of the specific project. The course will offer an insight into real-world software development, as well as other relevant aspects such as self learning, team work, and problem solving.
Article published at EMSE
We are happy to announce that our article "What really changes when developers intend to improve their source code: a commit-level study of static metric value and static analysis warning changes" is published online in the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering,
with the print version expected to appear in March 2023. In the
article, we leverage the intent of developers about what constitutes a quality improvement in their own code base and investigate the improvements impact on 14 static source code metrics. In this study, we used a data set of 125,482 commits which we generated from a deep learning model that was trained from a randomized sample of 2.533 commits from 54 Java open source for which we manually labeled the commit intent.
Courses in the Winter Term 2022/2023
Our group will offer the following courses during the upcoming winter term:All students interested in the courses should register for the courses in Stud.IP.
Practical Course on Agile Software Development during the semester break
During the semester break, our research group will offer a practical course on agile software development. In this course, students will learn about selected agile software development methods and practices and apply them in dedicated projects with the help of selected tools. The participants will be learning and applying their knowledge on three levels, including processes and practices, project-specific domain knowledge, implementation- and tool-specific aspects.Depending on the specific software projects, the students will get familiar with various state-of-the-art technologies and tools for software engineering and for the realisation of the specific project. The course will offer an insight into real-world software development, as well as other relevant aspects such as self learning, team work, and problem solving.
Paper accepted by SoSyM
We are happy to announce that our paper "MoDMaCAO: A model-driven framework for the design, validation and configuration management of cloud applications based on OCCI" was recently accepted by the Software and Systems Modeling journal. The paper is a
joint work of our group members Fabian Korte, Johannes Erbel, and Jens
Grabowski with the researchers Philippe Merle, Stéphanie Challita, and
Faiez Zalila from INRIA. In the paper, a model-driven framework is presented that extends the OCCI standard to support the management of platform elements on top of infrastructural resources using configuration management script. Hereby, we
defined a framework to support the design, validation and management of cloud applications by utilizing the uniform interface and data model of OCCI.
Two PhD theses successfully defended
On the 07th July 2022, our group member Alexander Trautsch successfully
defended his PhD thesis on "Automated Static Analysis Tools: A Multidimensional View on Software Quality Evolution". Additionally, on the 01st July 2022, Johannes Erbel successfully
defended his PhD thesis on a "Scientific Workflow Execution Using a Dynamic Runtime Model". Congratulations!
Latest TDL specifications published
The outcomes of our continued work on the Test Description Language (TDL) within TTF T013 of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have been published as updated versions of the specifications:
- ES 203 119-1 1.6.1 TDL: Meta Model
- ES 203 119-2 1.5.1 TDL: Graphical Syntax
- ES 203 119-3 1.5.1 TDL: Exchange Format
- ES 203 119-4 1.5.1 TDL: Structured Test Objective Specification
- ES 203 119-6 1.3.1 TDL: Mapping to TTCN-3
- ES 203 119-7 1.3.1 TDL: Extended Test Configurations
A new Part 8, Textual Syntax, has also been published:
The the latest version of the Technical Report on the reference implementation of TDL is also available:
Presentation accepted at the UCAAT 2022
We are glad to announce that our presentation proposal on "Debugging Machine Learning Models" has been accepted for the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2022. The UCAAT is organized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
Practical Course on Agile Software Development during the semester break
During the semester break, our research group will offer a practical course on agile software development. In this course, students will learn about selected agile software development methods and practices and apply them in dedicated projects with the help of selected tools. The participants will be learning and applying their knowledge on three levels, including processes and practices, project-specific domain knowledge, implementation- and tool-specific aspects.Depending on the specific software projects, the students will get familiar with various state-of-the-art technologies and tools for software engineering and for the realisation of the specific project. The course will offer an insight into real-world software development, as well as other relevant aspects such as self learning, team work, and problem solving.
Philip Makedonski elected as Chair of ETSI TC MTS
We are happy to announce that Dr. Philip Makedonski has been elected as chair of the Technical Committee Methods for Testing and Specification (TC MTS) at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for the period of two years until January 2024.
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