Steffen Herbold won the Bug Bash at the ICST 2015
International Summer School on Intensive Automated Testing of Service Oriented Architectures
July 6-8, 2015 - Paris, France
Today, Service Oriented Architectures tend to be the standard way to elaborate information systems in enterprises. These systems grow rapidly, due to increasing needs of big-data management and to the increasing strength at a decreasing cost of modern computers. Testing of such systems becomes a challenge due to their complexity. To handle this, testing of service oriented systems must be simplified, intelligent, automated and routinized.
The International Summer School on Intensive Automated Testing of Service Oriented Architectures is intended for people willing to learn about the most advanced techniques for quality assurance of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). It is provided by a group of researchers and industry people experienced with SOA testing and who joined their effort in the MIDAS European project, dedicated to this purpose. In the summer school, this group will teach you the latest innovative techniques enabling you to perform automated and intensive testing of Service Oriented Architectures. You will learn how to generate a consisten set of tests for such systems and to execute these tests in the cloud.
Timeslots of Requirements Engineering changed
Paper accepted at CLOSER 2015 Doctoral Symposium
Our paper "Towards Domain-Model Optimized Deployment and Execution of Scientific Applications in Cloud Environments" has been accepted for the doctoral symposium at CLOSER 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. The work described in the paper is associated with the project A Cloud-Based Software Infrastructure for Distributed Simulation Applications.
Presentation on "Functional Analysis of Queueing Petri Nets by Reduction of the Net Structure" in Advanced Seminar on 17th March
On March 17th, 2015, at 04:00pm, there will be a presentation on "Functional Analysis of Queueing Petri Nets by Reduction of the Net Structure" given by Ella Albrecht. The abstract of the presentation is as follows: Petri nets are a popular model for modelling synchronisation and concurrent systems. These nets are often analysed by state space exploration. Unfortunately for bigger nets the so-called problem of state explosion arises. One approach to cope with the problem is to reduce the net structure before state space exploration. There already exist several reduction rules for place transition. In this talk common reduction rules are presented and adapted for queueing petri nets. The rules were implemented into the open-source tool QPME, such that their practical effect on the qualitative analysis of queueing petri nets can be examined on a few examples.