Transformation of UML Deployment Models into executable Cloud Orchestration Templates
In the recent years cloud computing has been increasingly used to dynamically assign com-
puting resources on demand. Due to different tool and Application Programming Interface
assistance, it is difficult to transfer cloud applications from one to another provider. Mean-
while, there are several cloud orchestrators and standards solving this problem, requiring
specific models. Because these are new standards, there are no proper tools supporting
them. However, with transformations, a common method in Model Driven Engineering, a
broadly used and well-supported modeling language can be utilised to generate a domain
specific model, supporting the cloud standard. This thesis shows that model transfor-
mation can transform models containing whole infrastructures into executable artifacts.
This thesis shows that it can be used to transform models containing whole infrastruc-
tures into textual artifacts. Therefore, the compatibility between the Unified Modeling
Language (UML), a common modeling standard, and Cloudify, a Topology and Orches-
tration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) based cloud orchestrator, is exam-
ined. Each possible deployment model element is mapped to an element in the TOSCA
model. Based on that mapping an automatic model transformation process from an UML
deployment model to a TOSCA based model is created. Although not all information can
be modeled in a deployment model, a large proportion can be transformed with an accu-
rate modeling. Thereafter, the resulting TOSCA model is transformed into an executable
Cloudify blueprint, enabling an automatic deployment of the modeled infrastructure.
Document Type:
Bachelor's Theses
Gottingen, Germany
Institute of Computer Science, University of Göttingen
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group