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Articles in Conference Proceedings
Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold, Jens GrabowskiTrace-based Task Tree Generation, ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, IARIA XPS Press, 2014
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiUsage-based Automatic Detection of Usability Smells, Human-Centered Software Engineering: 5th IFIP WG 13.2 International Conference, HCSE 2014, Paderborn, Germany, September 16-18, 2014. Proceedings, 2014
Steffen Herbold, Patrick HarmsAutoQUEST - Automated Quality Engineering of Event-driven Software, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, Fourth International Workshop on Testing Techniques & Experimentation Benchmarks for Event-Driven Software, 2013
Patrick Harms, Kathleen Smith, Andreas Aschenbrenner, Wolfgang Pempe, Mark Hedges, Angus Roberts, Bernie Ács, Tobias BlankeThe Quality in Quantity - Enhancing Text-based Research, Data Driven e-Science: Use Cases and Successful Applications of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (ISGC 2010), New York: Springer, 2011
Patrick Harms, Stephan Kiemle, Daniele DietrichExtensible earth observation data catalogues with multiple interfaces, Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to Scientific and Technical Data (PV 2007), 2007
Ph.D. Theses
Patrick HarmsAutomated Field Usability Evaluation Using Generated Task Trees, Georg-August-University of Goettingen, 2016
Diploma Theses
Patrick HarmsEinsatz von AR und VR zu Usabilityevaluation von virtuellen Prototypen, 2019
Patrick HarmsPassen Usability und Informatik überhaupt zusammen?, 2019
Patrick Harms, Jens GrabowskiAutomating Usability Testing for Prototypes of the Things in the Internet using Augmented and Virtual Reality, presented at User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2017, 2017
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