Model-diven Language Implementation Using the Example of a Test Description Language

Florian Philipp


Traditional development of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) centers on the grammar of that language. In contrast to that we explore a model-driven approach that focuses on a domain model first. We explore to what extent this simplifies the creation of multiple concrete syntaxes. We demonstrate how operational semantics can be defined using Model- to-Model (M2M) transformations and how multiple representations of the same model such as visualizations can be combined to improve the usability of a DSL. The implemented language is a prototype of a Test Description Language (TDL) based upon early drafts of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)’s TDL. At ETSI, test descriptions are used mainly for documentation and communication, but also serve as the basis for test implementation. The presented language aims to streamline the test specification development process and address the existing challenges by defining a structured DSL which supports the maintainability and consistency of test description documents. In addition, it lays out the foundations for automated checking of constraints and guidelines for the specification of test descriptions, as well as the automated generation of consistent documentation and base test code, which can be refined further into executable test specifications. The prototypical implementation of the approach is based on the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) and currently provides an example Xtext-based concrete syntax, as well as an SVG serialization for visualization purposes. The operational semantics are based on the Triskell metamodeling kernel (Kermeta). The implementation also features a textual narrative serialization providing output in prose format. We have implemented examples of ETSI’s IMS and 3GPP’s LTE test descriptions specified with the presented approach and realized with the prototypical implementation.
Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), Model-Based Development (MBD), Operational Semantics, Testing, TPLan, TTCN-3, UML Testing Profile (UTP)
Document Type: 
Master's Theses
Gottingen, Germany
Institute of Computer Science, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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