Grid/Cloud Computing Interoperability, Standardization and the Next Generation Network

Geoff Caryer, Julian Gallop, Jens Grabowski, Tatiana Kovacikova, Thomas Rings, Stephan Schulz, Ian Stokes-Rees


For telecom operators, the future lies in converging fixed, mobile and data services onto the Next Generation Network (NGN). This paper discusses the relationship between grid and cloud computing, identifies gaps and overlaps in existing standards and identifies how grid and cloud technology could be exploited to improve the efficiency of NGN resources and to offer new “data” services to consumers. This will enable telecom operators to manage their resources in a dynamic and optimal way by a single platform. This paper describes the approach taken by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Technical Committee for grid computing (TC GRID) to identify gaps and overlaps in grid/cloud computing standards and to support the integration of grid/cloud computing with the NGN architecture.
grid; cloud; NGN; Next Gerneration Network; interoperability
Document Type: 
Articles in Conference Proceedings
13th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks
Bordeaux, France
IEEE Computer Society
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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