Dynamic Management of Multi-Level-Simulation Workflows in the Cloud

Johannes Erbel, Stefan Wittek, Jens Grabowski, Andreas Rausch


Executing dynamic simulations in a distributed environment allows saving resources and time which is a desired goal in research and industry. One example dynamic simulation is the multi-level-simulation. Here, specific parts of the simulation can be inspected on different levels of detail at runtime. To cope with the changing simulation requirements an elastic and scalable infrastructure is required, as well as an approach adjusting the infrastructure to the simulation needs. In this paper, we enhance a former approach coupling workflows with architectural needs to utilize monitored runtime information and support decision making. Moreover, we demonstrate the concept of executing dynamic simulations over a workflow based approach by dynamically choosing the levels of detail within a supply chain multi-level-simulation.
Document Type: 
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Simulation Science (SimScience 2019)
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Springer, Cham
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group

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