Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement for UML Models
Models defined using the UML are nowadays a common part of software documentation, specification and sometimes even implementation. However, there is a broad variety in how UML is used. Reasons can be found, for example, in the lack of generally accepted modeling norms and guidelines, in the semi-formal semantics of UML, or in the complexity of the language. In practice, these factors inevitably lead to quality problems in UML models that need to be addressed.
In this research, we present an integrated continuous quality assessment and improvement approach for UML models. The approach is based on a novel quality model for UML models and the exemplary instantiation of the quality model. A prototypical tool that implements the quality assessment and improvement approach for UML models has been developed. To demonstrate the applicability of our approach, a case study based on a UML practical course was conducted. UML models developed in the practical course were evaluated with our prototypical tool. The quality assessment and improvement results of the case study indicated that our approach is practically feasible and applicable.
Quality Model for UML, Quality Assessment for UML, Issue detection for UML, UML Quality, Software Metrics for UML, Rules and Guidelines for UML, Continuous process for quality assessment for UML
Document Type:
Ph.D. Theses
Göttingen, Germany
Institute of Computer Science, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2025 © Software Engineering For Distributed Systems Group